We are honored to be partners with a growing list of organizations, including those listed here. Members of the CBFYMN receive special benefits from each of these organizations. For further information about these benefits, members should log in to our website and click on the Member Benefits link in the Members-Only Resource Area.
You may click on the following links to visit our Partners' websites.
The Center for Healthy Churches is partnering with the CBFYMN to develop a path for experienced Youth Ministers to be trained as coaches so that they can mentor the next generation of Youth Ministers coming behind them.
The National Association of Church Business Administration is going to partner with CBFYMN to allow our members to participate in an annual salary survey. All members will receive the results to use for salary negotiation and regional comparison.
Passport, Inc. helps the CBFYMN produce events like Oasis. Passport is offering youth groups new to PASSPORT a first time discount equal to one free camper for every ten that register. In addition, Passport, Inc. manages the finances for the CBFYMN.
Smyth and Helwys Publishing, Inc. is offering CBFYMN members an exclusive 5% additional discount off of all online orders. This additional discount is in addition to the 20% discount offered on all online orders. This discount does not apply to non-Smyth and Helwys products offered on their website nor toward the purchase of Smyth and Helwys Commentaries.
The CBFYMN is in cooperation with and is currently supported by a grant received from the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship.