
The Network depends on the gifts of individuals and organizations to continue its work. As an organization, the dues paid by Network members are the bulk of our budget, but those numbers do not make enough to totally support our ministry. Through the generosity of individuals and partner organizations, we are able to remain sustainable and grow as a Network. 

There are 2 ways to donate:

1. Donate online with the form below.

2. Mail a donation check to:

Passport Camps

3421 Sierra Drive

Birmingham, AL 35216

*check can be made out to Passport Camps, put CBFYMN in the memo line

Donation goal

Collected: $0.00
Goal: $5,000.00

Online Donation Form

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* Mandatory fields
*First name
*Last name
*Church/Organization Website
*Amount ($USD)
 Payment frequency
Feel free to contact any of our Executive Board officers with any questions!
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