Be where your feet are.
Do not be attached to outcomes.
We are all in this together.
There has never been a better time to be the church.
Greater works will you have.
Oasis 2020 was held the last week of January. There were almost 70 youth ministers and CBF Global and State Representatives gathered at Montreat Conference Center in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains for a week of learning, sharing, networking, and deep belly laughs.
The five phrases you see at the top are the five phrases that guest preacher Rev. Amy Jacks Dean, Co-Pastor of Park Road Baptist Church in Charlotte, NC, shared with us. Amy lead us in five worship services that provided encouragement and fresh insight to often weary youth ministers. Her ability to provide a word of hope with depth and thoughtful creativity was refreshing.
Beyond worship, we spent the week in small groups, Youth Ministry Talks (think Ted Talks), chair massages, a drum circle and fellowshipping. It is the one conference I attend that I look forward to the most. Oasis refreshes my soul and provides me the chance to meet new folks and gather with old friends who are on this same youth ministry journey. We talk about best practices, what is working and not working in our ministries, and share resources with one another. It is a gift that I do not take for granted to be able to attend.
On the opening night of Oasis, we had a special guest, Paul Baxley the Executive Coordinator for CBF Global. We have never had the Executive Coordinator join us for our event, and I can say, we all felt honored that Paul made the time in his busy schedule to be with us for a day. Paul shared his hopes and visions and how youth ministry fits in to those plans, and then took questions and answered in an authentic manner. I am so thankful for his willingness to join us.
We, the CBFYMN are so grateful to Passport, Inc. who produces and sponsors Oasis along with other event sponsors, Gardner-Webb Divinity School, CBF Global, CBFVA, CBFTN, CBFNC, CBFSC, CBFAL, CBFGA along with Fellowship Southwest who provided scholarship money for a student to attend.
Mark your calendars now for Oasis 2022 – February 8-11. See you there!
Marnie Fisher-Ingram
Member of the 2020 Oasis Planning Team
CBFYMN Board President